#Vigenere - Crypto 100

As the title for this chall claims, this is all about Vigenere cipher. Interestingly the alphabet used is not [A-Z], but also includes ‘{‘ and ‘}’. Besides giving us a full Vigenere table, the chall also provides some information about the key, the plaintext and the ciphertext.

k: ????????????
p: SECCON{???????????????????????????????????}

k=key, p=plain, c=cipher, md5(p)=f528a6ab914c1ecf856a1d93103948fe

From now on we are going to assume len(k)==12. Our main goal is clearly to find p. Since we have the first 7 chars of p we could easily find the 7 first chars of c. We could even use the given table and do it manually. For the first char of p, p[0]==’S’, we would check the row of the table corresponding to S. Since S gets mapped to c[0]==’L’, we look for L in this row, which is in the column of V. The figure below ilustrates this process:


pt = "SECCON{"
ct = "LMIG}RP"

res = ""
for p,c in zip(pt, ct):
    res += chr( ord('A') + ( (ord(c) - ord(p)) % 28) ) 


This simple procedure results in VIGESEN as the first part of the key. Evidently the chars ‘{‘ and ‘}’ are not being correctly treated in positions 5 and 7. Either by correcting tem manually or by guessing, we might deduce that VIGENER is indeed the first part. It is not hard to find that VIGENERE are the first 8 chars of the key.

We have the following result so far:


It seems the alphabet is part of p. After G there might be HIJ_ or maybe _HIJ. The same goes for STU_ or _STU right after R. Before going for a bruteforce solution we decided to test a few possibilities manually. We tried H in position 23 and S in position 32. Surprisingly, we got C as the result for the key in both cases. Certainly a good sign. Trying the other chars we got VIGENERECOD_ for the key. Not hard to guess the answer should be VIGENERECODE, proving our first guess was correct!

With the key in hands all we had to do was decode the ciphertext in order to obtain SECCON{ABABABCDEDEFGHIJJKLMNOPQRSTTUVWXYYZ}.

Although we used a lot of guessing to make things quicker, our next approach would be bruteforcing the given md5 hash. In fact, we decided to confirm our guesses with a little coding:

import itertools
import hashlib
import binascii

keyBase = "VIGENERE"
hashChall = "f528a6ab914c1ecf856a1d93103948fe"
res = ""

# the range could include the whole alphabet for more extensive search
for a in itertools.product("AB",repeat=4):
    for b in itertools.product("HIJJ",repeat=4):
        for c in itertools.product("STTU",repeat=4):
            pt = "SECCON{A"+"".join(a)+"BCDEDEFG"+"".join(b)+"KLMNOPQR"+"".join(c)+"VWXYYZ}"
            hashTst = hashlib.md5(pt.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
            if hashTst == hashChall:
                res = pt

Marcos Valle

Born to kill bugs. Live by them.