Nmap Anonymization with Proxychains

If you work in the infosec industry and never asked yourself this question, please take your time to think. Our objective here is to accomplish a full scan without revealing our real IP to the target.

Narnia 01 (VulnHub)

I tried this one without reading the C code at first, although it should be allowed in the game. This is mainly because I felt like learning assembly the hard way. Also, source codes are not always available in the real world :).

Pwnable.kr - flag [4]

Pwnable.kr is not exactly easy even when they say it is. Despite this scary introduction, this specifically challenge is not that hard.

SECCON/2016 - Vigenere

#Vigenere - Crypto 100

Pwnable.kr - bof.c [3]

Pwnable.kr’s third challenge goes like this:

Pwnable.kr - collision [2]

Pwnable.kr’s second challenge goes like this:

Pwnable.kr - fd [1]

http://pwnable.kr Pwnable.kr is an awesome wargame to learning PWNning, reverse engineering and a bunch of other scary beasts like these. Let’s begin with challenge #1.

Bandit CTF writeup [6-10]

Bandit 6

The first thing that came to my mind here was simply to keep using find’s powerful options. So now we add -user and -group in order to restrict our search. Also, we must search the whole tree of directories, not only home folder:

Bandit CTF writeup [6-10]

Bandit 6

The first thing that came to my mind here was simply to keep using find’s powerful options. So now we add -user and -group in order to restrict our search. Also, we must search the whole tree of directories, not only home folder:

Bandit CTF writeup [0-5]

Bandit 0

Too obvious for a writeup… Ok, just a simple SSH